TauDEM 命令行使用方法

TauDEM 命令行使用方法


1. 填洼(Remove Pits)->PitRemove

mpiexec -n 8 PitRemove logan.tif

主方法是 PitRemove ,可选参数:

  • -4way 沿着东南西北四个方向逐像元进行调整(condition),而不包括对角线方向像元(diagonal neighbors.)

  • -depmask 指定 Depression Mask Grid ,即真实的、不应该填充的洼地格网

  • -n [num] 处理器数量。 MPI并行运算时区域被划分的条数,根据你电脑的处理器核数设置

    注意,如果出现“PitRemove.exe无法找到入口” 之类的错误,最好重新安装一下 TauDEM

pitremove <basefilename>
Usage with specific file names(指定文件名时的用法):
pitremove -z <demfile> -fel <newfile> [-sfdr <flowfile>]
<basefilename> is the name of the raw digital elevation model.
<demfile> is the name of the input elevation grid file.
<newfile> is the output elevation grid with pits filled.
<flowfile> is the input grid of flow directions to be imposed.
The following are appended to the file names
before the files are opened:
fel output elevation grid with pits filled.
F:\GIScience\TauDEMExercise\LoganCmdDemo\Logan>mpiexec -n 4 pitremove logan.tif
PitRemove version 5.3.5
This run may take on the order of 1 minutes to complete.
This estimate is very approximate.
Run time is highly uncertain as it depends on the complexity of the input data
and speed and memory of the computer. This estimate is based on our testing on
a dual quad core Dell Xeon E5405 2.0GHz PC with 16GB RAM.
Input file logan.tif has projected coordinate system.
Processes: 4
Header read time: 0.071046
Data read time: 0.002704
Compute time: 0.313855
Write time: 0.128918
Total time: 0.516524

执行命令后,会在目录下生成结果文件 loganfel.tif

文件名中的fel-fel 表示:经过填充或削峰的移除了洼地的,在水文上正确的高程网格(filled elevations

Hydrologically correct elevation grid with pits removed either by filling or carving

arcgis中工具箱执行显示的命令行mpiexec -n 8 pitremove -z "H:\GIS data\TaoXi_model data\dem\dem_TX.tif" -fel "H:\GIS data\TaoXi_model data\dem\dem_TXfel_arcgis.tif"

2. 流向 | Flow Directions

基于D8算法 -> D8Flowdir(基于填洼之后的文件)

mpiexec -n 8 D8Flowdir -p loganp.tif -sd8 logansd8.tif -fel loganfel.tif

  • p/-p 使用D8流向函数获得的D8 流向格网 pointfile
  • sd8/-sd8 表示 D8 坡度格网 (slope measured as drop/distance) slopefile
F:\GIScience\TauDEMExercise\LoganCmdDemo\Logan>mpiexec -n 8 D8Flowdir -p loganp.tif -sd8 logansd8.tif -fel loganfel.tif
D8FlowDir version 5.3.5
Input file loganfel.tif has projected coordinate system.
All slopes evaluated. 20682 flats to resolve.
Draining flats towards lower adjacent terrain
Draining flats away from higher adjacent terrain
Setting directions
Iteration complete. Number of flats remaining: 730
Draining flats towards lower adjacent terrain
Draining flats away from higher adjacent terrain
Setting directions
Iteration complete. Number of flats remaining: 1
Draining flats towards lower adjacent terrain
Draining flats away from higher adjacent terrain
Setting directions
Processors: 8
Header read time: 0.022047
Data read time: 0.045222
Compute Slope time: 0.078398
Write Slope time: 0.280949
Resolve Flat time: 1.398364
Write Flat time: 0.050057
Total time: 1.875038

基于Dinf(D∞)算法 -> DinfFlowdir

mpiexec -n 8 DinfFlowdir -ang loganang.tif -slp loganslp.tif -fel loganfel.tif

  • ang/-ang D-Infinity 流向格网(flow angles,从正东开始逆时针的弧度) angfile
  • slp/-slp D-Infinity 坡度格网 slopefile

集水面积 | Contributing area -> AreaD8

mpiexec -n 8 AreaD8 -p loganp.tif -ad8 loganad8.tif [-o outletfile.shp] [ -wg demwg.tif] [-nc]

  • ad8/-ad8 D8集水面积格网(面积以格网单元数计)
  • wg/-wg 权重格网,可选。 weight grid file wgfile
  • -o 表示流域出口点shp 文件( outlets shapefile)

mpiexec -n 8 AreaDinf -ang loganang.tif -sca logansca.tif

mpiexec -n 8 Aread8 -p loganp.tif -o loganoutlet.shp -ad8 loganad8o.tif

河网 | Gridnet

mpiexec -n 8 Gridnet -p loganp.tif -plen loganplen.tif -tlen logantlen.tif -gord logangord.tif


mpiexec -n 8 PeukerDouglas -fel loganfel.tif -ss loganss.tif

PeukerDouglas 法水系划分 | stream delineation

mpiexec -n 8 Aread8 -p loganp.tif -o loganoutlet.shp -ad8 loganssa.tif -wg loganss.tif
mpiexec -n 8 Dropanalysis -p loganp.tif -fel loganfel.tif -ad8 loganad8.tif -ssa loganssa.tif -drp logandrp.txt -o loganoutlet.shp -par 5 500 10 0
mpiexec -n 8 Threshold -ssa loganssa.tif -src logansrc.tif -thresh 300

水流网络/河网 | Stream Network

mpiexec -n 8 Streamnet -fel loganfel.tif -p loganp.tif -ad8 loganad8.tif -src logansrc.tif -ord loganord3.tif -tree logantree.dat -coord logancoord.

  1. 1. TauDEM 命令行使用方法
    1. 1.1. 1. 填洼(Remove Pits)->PitRemove
    2. 1.2. 2. 流向 | Flow Directions
      1. 基于D8算法 -> D8Flowdir(基于填洼之后的文件)
      2. 基于Dinf(D∞)算法 -> DinfFlowdir
    3. 1.2.1. 集水面积 | Contributing area -> AreaD8
    4. 1.2.2. 河网 | Gridnet
    5. 1.2.3. PeukerDouglas
    6. 1.2.4. PeukerDouglas 法水系划分 | stream delineation
    7. 1.2.5. 水流网络/河网 | Stream Network